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Navigating The Future Of Product Innovation

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Hosted by Tony Ulwick
Discussion Points
  • AI’s Impact on product development
  • Gaining Support for Innovation Projects
  • What’s preventing the Customer-Centric Organization
  • Live Q&A with Innovation thought leaders Tony Ulwick & Alex Slawsby
Duration: 40 Minutes


Innovation thought leader Tony Ulwick and InnoLead’s Chief Growth Officer Alex Slawsby shared their insights on navigating the future of product innovation. As the business landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the importance of customer-centric innovation has never been more critical.


The Challenges of Product Innovation


One of the key themes that emerged from the webinar was the need for organizations to adopt a truly customer-centric approach. However, many teams struggle to effectively use jobs-to-be-done thinking, often due to a lack of agreement on what constitutes a market or a customer need. Additionally, innovation leaders often face resistance when trying to gain support for beyond-the-core growth initiatives.


Leveraging Jobs-to-be-Done for Successful Innovation


To overcome these challenges, Ulwick recommends defining markets through a customer-centric lens. This means understanding customer needs as measurable outcomes they want to achieve, rather than focusing on product features or benefits. By identifying segments of people with different unmet needs, organizations can prioritize innovation efforts that will create real value for customers.


Navigating Organizational Resistance to Change


Another key insight from the webinar was the importance of adapting quickly as customer preferences change. This can be difficult for organizations that have found success with a particular approach in the past. To get key stakeholders on board with new initiatives, innovation leaders need to frame their proposals around the outcomes those stakeholders care about.

The Role of Emerging Technologies like Generative AI The webinar also touched on the potential applications and limitations of emerging technologies like generative AI in the innovation process. While AI can be a powerful tool for interrogating data, Ulwick cautions against falling into the “garbage in, garbage out” trap. The key is to use these tools in service of uncovering and addressing unmet customer needs.


Tips for Implementing a Jobs-to-be-Done Approach


For organizations looking to adopt a jobs-to-be-done approach, Ulwick offers several pieces of advice:

  1. Shift from a product-focused to a customer-focused mindset
  2. Define customer needs as measurable outcomes, independent of specific solutions
  3. Prioritize ideas based on their ability to address the top unmet needs in your market


Conclusion The future of product innovation belongs to organizations that can effectively anticipate and address unmet customer needs. By embracing a jobs-to-be-done approach and leveraging emerging technologies wisely, innovation leaders can navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing business landscape. The key is to stay relentlessly focused on creating real value for customers.

Tony Ulwick

Tony is the pioneer of Jobs-to-be-Done Theory, inventor of the Outcome-Driven Innovation® (ODI) process, and founder and CEO of Strategyn. Philip Kotler calls Tony “the Deming of innovation” and Clayton Christensen credits him with “bringing predictability to innovation.” Published in Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, Tony is also the author of 2 best sellers: What Customers Want and JOBS TO BE DONE: Theory to Practice.

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