Join innovation pioneer Tony Ulwick and AI expert Laks Srinivasan as they explore the role of AI in addressing your customers’ job-to-be-done. In this webinar, you will learn how to ensure that your AI efforts are a success by understanding the customer’s needs and delivering the right solution.
The speakers will discuss how AI can be used to drive innovation and improve customer experiences. They will also share real-world examples of companies that have successfully implemented AI to address customer needs.
If you’re interested in learning how to leverage AI to drive innovation and create value for your customers, then you won’t want to miss this webinar. Register now to secure your spot.
About Laks:
Laks currently is a Co-Founder and Managing Director at Return on AI Institute, a best practices business research and advisory firm helping enterprises maximize economic and social return on AI. At the institute, he advises non-digital native companies and their leadership teams on understanding, preparing, and executing on AI-driven transformations. Laks, as co-principal investigator, conducts business research and gives public talks and presentations on AI in conferences and other venues such as MIT Sloan Management Review editorial webinars.
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